Client Services

The Client Services Department at P & C Labs is a distinguishing factor for our laboratory. Robbie Belcher and Sharon O'Dell are extremely flexible and responsive in meeting the needs of a host of clinics, other labs, and nearly 30 hospitals across the state of Kentucky. With collective decades of experience and the increasing number of patients served by P & C Labs over the last several years, Robbie and Sharon are well familiar with what it takes to successfully integrate P & C Labs services with other facilities' frameworks, ensuring that physicians have ready and quick access to diagnoses as they become available. They are proactive in assessing the logistical aspects of specimen handling and transport, which is critical for patients in rural parts of our state to have the same diagnostic turn around time as those within larger cities. The accessibility of client services at P & C Labs is an absolute asset in providing the pathology services all Kentuckians deserve. If you would like to discuss any aspect of the services offered at P & C Labs, please contact Robbie or Sharon at pclinfo+pandclab+com.